Sunday, January 27, 2013

Music Sex

Remember our Sex Music post?  Well, being that Dusty is a musician we make music sex.  Dusty got to strumming and look where it took us.  Just us and a guitar, then some serious strumming.

Check out our slow boning playlist and let us know what you think!  If you have music suggestions let us know!


  1. Wow, these pics are totally awesome, really original and creative. My hubby is a bit of a musician as well, but he plays piano, so not as much sexy photographic potential!! If only it was a Grand Piano, I'd try draping myself across it provocatively!! But seriously I love there pics and look forward to seeing more!! J xx

  2. I don't know! Piano has some hott potential. Hopefully we can start getting some more comments and some submissions so we can share everyone's artsy pictures.
